Probably the most interesting cheese-related product I've run into is IncrEdibles. It's the same concept as an ice cream push up, but with mac and cheese inside. Sounds pretty gross. I saw them years ago at a cross country meet. They were pushing the product as a way to eat on the go, like before or after a meet, for your kids in the car, a quick time-saving dinner, etc. I actually missed the beginning of the race because I wanted an IncrEdibles t-shirt. Got the t-shirt, sucked in the race. But after, I got myself a mac and cheese push up. It wasn't bad. Kind of hard to get over the concept of eating mac and cheese out of a push pop, but not terrible tasting. They have scrambled egg ones too. Here's a pretty funny article that came out around the same time that IncrEdibles hit the market. I wasn't able to find anywhere that actually sells them now, or if Breakaway Foods (the company responsible for this oddity) is still in business, but trust me, you aren't missing much.
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